Monday, November 24, 2008

多与少... 酸甜苦辣...

有人说... 有些时候... 有些事情... 不要懂得那么多比较好... 我蛮赞成的... 有些事... 知道多了又怎样...? 只会令自己更烦... 少懂些... 或许会过得更好~ 嗯... 就好比... 有些事... 不要看到比看到会更好... 看到了... 或许... 眼睛会痛... 严重的话... 是心痛...

朋友的女朋友说... " 爱情只有甜... " 其实... 蛮羡慕她会有这种想法... 至少... 爱情在她眼里... 只有甜... 没有酸苦辣...

甜... 简单说... 就是有幸福的感觉... 就像... 喝了一杯甜的咖啡... 心里... 有种甜蜜的感觉...

苦... 感觉... 应该就好像喝了一杯苦瓜汁+生鸡蛋的饮料吧~ 喝了想作呕的感觉... 那种苦... 我想... 只有亲身体会了才会明白...

辣... 就像... 吃了经过芥末+小辣椒腌制的苹果片... 刚吃下时... 真的很辣... 但... 吃多了... 就没事了... 甚至还会感觉想再吃几片...

酸... 就像吃青柠檬片的感觉...? 我想... 还要比那感觉更酸吧~ 在爱情里的酸... 是言语所不能形容的...


-Hexxen- said...

Wahseh...taste before all the taste in day can make you think so much...
a deep thinker...

In life have all those kind of taste, we cant ignore or run from it...
we have to use to it.

hstung11 said...


酸--Sometime we all will go buy some sour sweet to eat one la...

甜--Everyday mamak u also got drink sweet one la...

苦---"ku kou liang yao" ah~~~..

辣--i not so like...but hor...some of them dam like spicy wo...go mcdonald also spicy..kentucky also..

all the taste is see u how to go give them a meaning only...some like spicy..some like bitter..some like sweet...some like sour...Enjoy la..